— [https://goo.gl/MX79ce] This episode is _______________________about sizing up the history of modeling and how it's influenced beauty culture at large.
:: RT: Fashion Modeling ▶ https://goo.gl/8KiJCQ ◀, When did models begin strutting down the catwalk? View models not as privileged preternatural beings, but as workers who have wage and health-and-safety needs like everyone else. | #Fashion #Modeling #Bras #highHeels #Handbags #Makeup #Thongs #Pants #Panties
PATRÍCIA SOLEY-BELTRÁN presents (2006) a cultural history of modelling paying particular attention to the construction of models’ public personas through the addition of layers of meaning: class, race, nationality and so on. In doing so I will approach the study of model’s bodies as “natural symbols” (Douglas, 1994), a notion widely used in interdisciplinary gender studies (see, for instance, Warner, 1985). I will assume a notion of the body as an artefact resulting from the performative reiteration of collectively defined identity norms performed by each individual subject (Butler, 1990; Soley-Beltran, 2001). Thus, the body is taken as a sign of personal and social identity, a key to understanding the links between individuals and hegemonic definitions of identity, that is, between subjects and social institutions. Learning to control the appearance of one’s body is the first lesson in the social school of symbolic embodiment of acceptable identity and behaviour. Therefore, I expect that the historical review on the construction of the social prestige of female models will reveal the cultural values underlying such embodiment.
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"Charming Power. Models as Ideal Embodiments of Normative Identity", Trípodos. Llenguatge, Pensament, Comunicació, Vol 18, 2006, Barcelona. 23-43. PATRÍCIA SOLEY-BELTRÁN was a professional top model, now she holds a Master of Arts in Cultural History by the University of Aberdeen and she is a Doctor (PhD) in Sociology of Gender by the University of Edinburgh. Her book Divine! Models, Power and Lies has received the 43rd Anagrama Essay Prize (2015). She is member of the Research Group History of Science Studies (University Pompeu Fabra), member of the working group on the body “Cos-logia” (Institut Català d’Antropologia), founding member of the International Society for Cultural History and Editorial Board Member of Critical Studies of Fashion and Beauty
[ • Soley-Beltran worked as a fashion model, got a PhD on the Sociology of Gender, researched intensely on body, beauty and identity, and won the 2015 Anagrama Essay Prize for her book Divine! Models, Power and Lies. Change the model! | Patrícia Soley-Beltran | TEDxBarcelonaWomen ]
[ • Tras los flashes, el lujo y el glamour, la industria de la moda esconde su cara menos amable, la relacionada con la sociedad de consumo, las necesidades creadas y la construcción de la identidad de los individuos en base a los intereses de las grandes marcas. PATRÍCIA SOLEY-BELTRÁN en Youtube ]
"¿Buen sexo o sexo de verdad? Perspectivas sobre la regulación del género" (Good sex or true sex? Perspectives on gender governance), Quaderns de Psicologia, Dossier "Deconstrucción de la psicopatología: actualización y retos de investigación", Teresa Cabruja (ed) (2013). Vol 15, No 1. 45-46.
"El “sexo” y la Matriz Heterosexual. Aspectos teóricos y empíricos de una reconstrucción sociológica de la teoría performativa de género de Judith Butler", Riff-Raff, Vol 34, 2006, Universidad de Zaragoza. 127-142.
"Modelling Femininity" in Spectacular Women, European Journal of Women Studies, Sage, 11(3), 2004, London. 309-326.
"Supermodelos como emblema cultural", Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales 22, 1999, Barcelona. 105-11.
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